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1. As a believer in *Laa Ilaaha Illallah,* I will remain undeterred in the struggle for true freedom. Despite being confined for almost a year and enduring extreme heat, I will never submit to the tyrants of our time. I am ready to die in jail, but as long as I live, I will fight this battle.*

2. Under Article 25 of the Constitution, there should be no favoritism in case hearings. Qazi Faez Isa’s bias has become evident. According to Justice Gulzar’s five-member bench, Qazi Faez Isa cannot hear our cases. Despite our lawyers’ repeated objections, his inclusion in every bench hearing our cases violates our constitutional and legal rights and the spirit of justice. If Justice Qazi Faez Isa does not resign, he should at least recuse himself from the benches.

3. If this fraudulent election is investigated, chief election commissioner will be tried under Article 6. The whole country knows the 2024 election was the biggest fraud in Pakistan’s history, yet Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa continues to heap praise on the Election Commission that conducted this fraudulent election. We are being sent to seek justice from this commission. I demand fresh elections under a new, impartial Election Commission. The country is currently under the control of the king of the jungle. Institutional interference has wreaked havoc. Previously, Pakistan had a hybrid system, now it faces dictatorship, and prejudice and vengeance drive their action. Like the rest of Pakistan, Adiala Jail is also under their control, and the Superintendent of Jail works for the agencies. While terrorism has returned, army colonels and majors are here in jail, more concerned about jail administration. Yesterday, on a colonel’s orders, the Superintendent did not allow my team to meet me even after a three-hour wait. If the meeting had taken place, I would have resolved their differences. They think that such petty actions will weaken my party, but they’re mistaken. Nothing can weaken a party supported by the public. I am considering a hunger strike, and if the establishment does not back off from the affairs of Adiala Jail and my cases, I will proceed with the strike. Party leaders are instructed not to air their differences in public. Doing so deviates from our real purpose.

4. Negotiations happen when a solution is found. If we negotiate with Shehbaz Sharif, their government, built on fake Form 47, will collapse like a house of cards. The predators of this country wanted me to guarantee that I would not take action against them if I come to power. Of course, I refused! Asim Munir has buried PML-N and PPP’s politics. What has happened to them should not happen even to an enemy.

5. The whole world sees what is happening in Pakistan. They form absurd narratives on Congress & UN resolutions while foolishly threatening to attack Afghanistan. Law and order is a national matter. PTI will participate in the APC for the sake of the country and listen to stance of this illegitimate government. We have reservations about the Azam Istehkam Operation, as this operation will increase instability in the country. Winning a war on a long border is impossible without the Afghan government’s support. During our tenure, NDS and the Ghani government were aligned, yet I went to Afghanistan and engaged in talks. If you launch an operation against the Taliban, they will flee into Afghanistan. Without cooperation from Afghanistan, you cannot succeed in this operation. Why didn’t Bilawal Bhutto and the current foreign minister go to Afghanistan? Restoring relations with Afghanistan is our immediate need.

6. SIFC cannot fix the country. Until 1990, Pakistan was ahead in the subcontinent, but today we lag behind. Our country is heading towards Myanmar’s fate. Besides Pakistan, Myanmar is the only country where institutions like SIFC operate, and due to its blatant human rights abuses, it is globally isolated. Today, an elite-focused budget has been introduced in the country, which will further exacerbate the living conditions of the people. Electricity and petrol hikes have snatched food from people’s mouths, while the king of the jungle is focused on entirely different matters. The solution to the country’s political and economic problems lies not in SIFC but in free and fair elections. Only a political party with a public mandate can steer the country out of the current crises.


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